Friday, November 03, 2006

Bookie Open Workshop

Every workshop in the college has an open day during the year to invite other students to come in and see what you're working on. Yesterday we (the bookies) had our open workshop.

It's basically an excuse to drink and munch on snacks and see a little bit of our work. People came around to each work bench and got to hear all about exotic things like Japanese hinge repairs, and crossed structures. I set up a sewing frame for people to have a go at sewing on cords which went pretty well...the finished book wasn't something to write home about but at least people got to have some hands on experience. All in all it was a good night. It's always interesting that people want to know about what we're doing because to us it seems so boring, but lots of people came around and asked questions and seemed interested. I'm pretty sure the free booze had something to do with this interest, they gotta repay us somehow.

Anyway, I thought this picture was great, and I figured it was time to start slowly introducing you to the people I work with, and now I have a picture of pretty much everyone. This is Patrick, a very funny chap who sits on the opposite side of the room as me . I took the Calligraphy short course with him last week and got in trouble a couple times for laughing during the lecture because of the comments he was making. So there you go one down, 8 to go.


jenny said...

OH YEAH IM THE FIRST COMMENT! SUCKAS! IM BACK IN THE GAME. K town yo pics on faceboo look so cool. My gosh. HOW FUN

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that doesnt know what facebook is???

Mels gets married tomorrow!!

Annalise said...

I would definitely find one of those workshops fascinating! You really should have held such a thing for your pals... maybe sometime in the future? Your school sounds cool, Patrick looks cool, it all sounds very cool.

Unknown said...

hahaa that picture is awesome, they should put that on the brochure. glad you had an open house! sounds fun and way more exciting than the crap that i do here. byu is sucking right now...

jenny said...