Thursday, January 25, 2007


Yesterday my alarm went off at 7:30am as usual and as I was walking past the window near my bathroom I saw white out of the corner of my eye! It had snowed! I realize that to all of you living in the butt cold of Utah this is not an exciting thing, but it actually made me miss Provo (well maybe not Provo the city, but the people and events that took place there) and the snowy mountains. It was also Harm's birthday so that was a wonderful gift for him on his special day. A bunch of us went out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant (that was actually really good) and then moved on to a celebratory drink at the local pub. As Harm and I were walking back to the Dower House he said that it was one of his best birthdays, and I must say it was a lovely evening of well mannered frivolity.


Annalise said...

Such a pretty picture! And don't worry, we all in Provo miss you too. Happy Birthday to Harm!

Unknown said...

cool picture! i miss you! she's the man just aint the funny news...i went to hawaii and got super tan and now my fun thing to do is compare my skin to jenny's...quite hilarious and brightens my day a bit...haha! ENJOY ENGLAND!