Friday, February 16, 2007

Text message log:

Me to Sonia: "Harm is smoking!"

Sonia to Me: "Smoking hot? or smoking a cigarette?"

Man she's funny. And by the way, smoking a cigarette. He was feeling like a rebel. It was funny.


Annalise said...

Hahaha, that is funny. But I do think that Harm is smokin' hot.

jenny said...

hahah That's like that one time a bunch of people were in my jeep to go play volleyball and Andy was driving my car, and i was in the trunk. And he saw a cop and said, "JENNY GET DOWN!" and i started to boogie on with my bad self. and he was like "NO LITERALLY GET DOWN"

jenny said...

and yeah, tell harm we all think he's fiiiine.

jenny said...

this just happened:

me: "harm's hot!"
michon: "yeah, but he has a boyfriend."
me: "harm's gay!"
michon: "i meant girlfriend"