Monday, May 05, 2008

On Safari!

Well this weekend was a Bank Holiday weekend, as in long weekend for an unknown for me. Catherine came down to West Dean and we decided to go visit Longleat, a historic home near Stonehenge which serves as the primary residence to Lord and Lady Bath. The dude that lives in this place is a little bit crazy (strange artist type guy) and part of the estate has a Safari Park, which is featured weekly on a show called Animal Park. Well we had seen several episodes of this show and have been saying we were going to go for some time and this weekend we finally made it.

We got to see giraffes, camels, lions, tigers, buzzards, monkeys, wolves, deer, hippos, sea lions, and many other animals. This camel decided to go for a little walk in front of the car and even stuck out his back foot in a jaunty way. The other highlight has to be the monkey area where we had four monkeys climbing on the car and even witnessed one ripping parts off the car in front of us, needless to say they are cheeky little guys. It ended up being a really fun and adventurous day that was very enjoyable.


Annalise said...

Oh cool! I think I need to take a trip to the zoo. I want to see a monkey.

jenny said...

I want your life.

Clay and Katy said...

that is awesome! i would not want any monkeys tearing up my car...but still awesome!!

Jackie said...

Perfect opening to a joke. so one time, there was this monkey on my car...