Have you heard of these things? They're called MBT which stands for Masai Barefoot Technology. So they are these strange looking shoes which have a curved sole so you can rock back and forth on them or side to side. They are supposed to distribute the pressure of walking on your entire foot rather than the heel and ball of the foot. They also help your posture, tone your butt, thighs and calves as well as strengthen your lower back. All this for the low low price of $245! So I tried on a pair this weekend mainly because they have all these ads for them in the magazines I've been purchasing lately and they all say MBT "the anti-shoe" so that got me wondering what that meant not to mention that the magazine was mentioning them in several articles and I had no idea what they were which made reading the article a bit annoying.....put things in context for those of us not up to date on what I would consider to be mainstream orthopedic shoes. While I consider them to be one small step below the Crocs on the scale of ugly shoes, they were very comfortable and made walking little more fun, kind of like bobbing up and down and little bit. That said, if I'm gonna spend that kind of money on a pair of shoes they are gonna be prettier, higher and most likely look like these.

not gonna lie, those are some kind of ugly. but do you think that they are so bad that they've past that point where it comes back around again to good? and since it's T minus two weeks till I'm standing in that OR room for 10+ hours, they are lookin' even better. i wonder if they sell them here in the states?
what's the most comfortable shoe you've ever owned? (for standing not so much for running)
I really want some cute little black heels like you got there. Man, I wish I could wear heels.
Most comfortable shoes I've ever worn? That would have to be my danskos. I could have slept in those shoes.
so I tried on the moon shoes during my little shopping trip today and they were certainly comfy, but seriously, when they get up to my size foot they can have their own zip code. i think at one point Aubrey compared me to a clown. so the danskos won out, and at half the price, i can't ask for more.
ooh, those are pretty (i take it you know which pair i'm talking about)
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