Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Hard Times

Well readership, it's hard times out there. The economy is failing us. Housing prices are falling while interest rates are rising. Kristin is getting letters from politicians. Jenny has the attention span of a fruit fly....apparently. Muppets are being killed off, and Annalise is being subjected to bad local art. More importantly, my blog has severely suffered this year. Taking such hits as measly "haha" comments, or no commentary at all. I don't blame you readership, I only have myself to blame for this rapid downfall in funny and lack of true entertainment value. As the summer approaches and I am faced with writing a 10,000 word thesis about pop-up books....I know, cry for Kristi. It will be my goal to "up the funny" and bring new life to los blog. May I not disappoint you.


Katie & Andy said...

We will definitely hold you to that friend. In return, we promise more quality comments.

Annalise said...

Haha, if I had a nickle for every time you say you're going to "up the funny"...

Your blog is fine! I think it's really your readership that is failing (although I will not say no to more frequent funny posting) and I promise to do better at commenting!

Clay and Katy said...

ok you got it...better comments from now on. and good luck with the really long thesis...i will be sitting in the pool with jack thinking about you at your computer desk :) you can do it!!

jenny said...

I've failed you on comments. If I've ever commented "haha" please forgive me. I will try to comment more! I've been so lazy! I'm on it! Don't you worry!