Monday, November 09, 2009

Tonight my sister very kindly made me my very own belated birthday dinner. Yummy pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms! It was really good. The best part of the dinner was probably when my niece turned to me and said, "Kristi, are you 32?"

NO! 28! 28! Don't deprive me of my last 2 years as a 20-something!

That was followed by Coca-Cola cake....problem solved :)


Annalise said...

MMMmmm... coke cake! Happy Birthday! I've been trying to get a hold of you (though not as hard as I should), hope to talk to you soon!

jenny said...

COKE CAKE! That is one good sister!!! You and I have some movies too see young lady

Jacqueline said...

man, that's funny