Well I'm back in West Dean again. Sometimes I feel like I live in Groundhogs Day. I am seriously living the same day over and over again. It's weird....and slightly annoying. Things here are going as usual. We have jumped right back into the swing of things and each day is full of lectures and practical work. I think I'm coming down with something as my throat is feeling like somebody dragged a porcupine down it and then rinsed it off with a little salt and lemon. (too graphic...probably so) Man this is turning into a downer of a post, I'm so sorry.
Lets lift it up a little. I finally checked out the Scissor Sisters web page and made a couple videos for my own enjoyment. Still wasn't able to see the ones K and J made for me, but atleast now I have a clue as to what they look like. I made one of Harm and Sonia that was pretty priceless. I can see how that would easily keep anyone entertained for days.
Anyway, just wanted to update ya'll on what's going on here and how I'm filling my time.
ugh, was that really necessary? i will say that you captured perfectly the feeling of the initial cold sore throat. that blows, i hope you feel better soon!
i'm glad you've finally discovered dancesisterdance. it really is hilarious. the one i made of jeff and tyler dancing actually made my mom run out of the room to pee. true story.
I gotta check out this scissor sisters thing, I guess. I hope you feel better! And I hope you'll find a way to add some variation to your life there. At least your Groundhog day is taking place in England and not here in Provo! That's something to be grateful for.
yeah!!! you're back (i mean on blogger...not yeah that you are back in london)!! anyways, cool story :( ...get better!
I'm a bit bored here as well. just waiting for may to roll around. let me know when you'll be online so we can start solidifying these plans.
It's true. Mom had to pee. I wish the ones we made would play. The one of me and you was so funny! I'll try to make it again. I'm glad I got to see you! Even if it was seeing a crappy movie with one of my most-hated actresses/singers. Miss you K. The Oscars won't be the same without you!
Sorry I deleted a comment. It was me. I'll admit it. I accidentally said "EMMYS" but i meant "OSCARS" ....basically, I'm a moron.
And by Oscars I mean Golden Globes. But dont worry. They SUCKED. Mostly because Dreamgirls won a lot.
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