Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Fun fun

Well my parents left to go back to Texas today...sad. The trip was really fun and filled with entertainment and the usual family disfunction. I have to say that the driving was by far the most entertaining. Rather than take my advice and rent an automatic car my mom went for the standard transmission.....she did not think of the fact that the drivers seat is on the right side and you shift with your left you are driving on the other side of the road. Minor details. The first day in the drive from the airport to West Dean I actually thought I might have a stroke several times. Entering a round about without looking for the oncoming traffic is a little bit scary, but it must be said that my Dad caught on quickly and by the end of the trip the driving was far less scary.


Kristin said...

I bet he learned to adapt quickly from his days on the bunny farm

Clay and Katy said...

oh how fun! your parents are so cute! and i will never forget that your dad thought i was too young to be in college :)

jenny said...

I swear he has a farm. Quit pulling my leg and just admit that that is what he really does!

Annalise said...

Love the pictures! I'm glad you all survived without wrecking the car, I must say I had my doubts. Sounds like a great weekend!