Monday, March 10, 2008

Taggie taggersoned

1) Where I was 10 years ago:

A junior at Plano Senior High School. Most likely sitting in the back row of a choir rehearsal or taking part in some sort of shenanigans with Jackie and Megan.

2) 5 things on my “to do list” today (today is over, so I'm going for tomorrow):
1. Email Katy

2. Put leather corners of my rebound copy of Nicholas Nickleby

3. Make a survey to send out to pop-up book makers

4. Gather research for 1st MA paper

5. Sleep

3) Things I would do if I became a billionaire:
Buy a stately home in England, a vacation house in Belize, a yacht with full crew to haul my ass around the world in luxury (don't worry you're all invited), a couple thousand shares in the Nordstrom Corporation, a new wardrobe including shoes and accessories, all the kit for my own conservation studio, plus the space in a scenic South England location with full views of the South Downs. Ok, lets be frank, I could do this all day, but I'm gonna stop now.

4) 3 Of my Bad Habits:
1. Procrastinating

2. Listening to someone give me driving directions and pretending I understand when I have no idea what they are talking about

3. Texting far too much

5) 5 places I’ve lived:
1. Plano, Texas
2. Provo, UT
3. Pilot Point, TX
4. London, England
5. West Dean, England

6) 5 Jobs I’ve had:
1. Gravel sweeper for Steve Westberg
2. Baker for some random start-up company in Utah
3. Financial assistant for BYU
4. Graphic Designer for Sebo Marketing
5. Conservation intern at the Guildhall, London

7) Something Most People Don’t Know About Me:
Last week I conducted a single person parade to celebrate the completion of Sonia's big conservation project, complete with marching, singing, and flailing of arms.


Annalise said...

Oh man, I wish I could have seen the flailing of arms.

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