Thursday, December 21, 2006

No Bull

The other day I decided to take a walk around the block (our block is 1.5 miles) to get some fresh air and enjoy the 70 degree Texas weather. I took the time to pet several horses from different pastures as I went and was lucky enough to have one follow me along the fence because it liked me so much. As I got closer to the main enterance to our neighborhood I heard two bulls from different pastures screaming at one another. One bull had horns and the other was the size of Sloth from Goonies. Needless to say walking between the two pastures where these two were facing off was a little scary...and matters became much worse when the horned beast noticed me and started following me along the fence while charging and mooing at me. It was at this point that I decided animals on the whole do not like me.

Exhibit A - The charging pecking chicken previously mentioned in another post

Exhibit B - The goose that charged me at a pub in Portsmouth

Edhibit C - Los Bull who also charged me and would have killed me had the fence not been there.

It is for the three above reasons that I have decided to place charging animals with a mean disposition on my "dead to me list". Take that suckas!


Kristin said...

man, you don't mess around! just wait till that bull hears from one of his blogger friend bulls about this! suckas indeed. um, i'm so glad you're in texas, and i can't wait to see you when i arrive there. what number do i reach you at, by the way? do you still have a celly for the US or do i call your parents house? what a weird concept, calling someone's house. how did we ever do it?

Jackie said...

you have a compelling arguement. however, there is evdience to the contrary that indicates that animals just don't love you, they L-U-V you. Ben, for example, and those two dogs at your sista's house that kept barking at me, and Norman, and the 4 million bunnies that your dad raises as his primary means of income. all of these and more think of you as the Mary Poppins of their lives.

Unknown said...

hahahahahaha! wish i was in texas...instead of freezing in utah...oh and ya my big exciting trip to vegas to get snowed there! i think i prayed too hard for snow when i was little...

Annalise said...

Okay, let me get this straight:

A goose charged you at a pub?
Your Dad raises bunnies?

How did I not know this? That is pretty freaking hillarious.

Jackie said...

annalise, herdad really doesn't really raise bunnies for income. just for fun. i was teasing cause jenny believed that for the longest time

jenny said...

I still* believe this is what your father does. Although his real occupation is just as exciting. FREE PIZZA YO! So, I love the fact that you said :los bull: ....its like the mother ship calling me to your blog. MERRY CHRISTMAS! SEE YOU SOON