krizzle says:deadly
krizzle says:so i'm trying to integrate the word deadly into my vocabulary
Annalise says:indeed
krizzle says:(i know i'm a nerd)
Annalise says:haha, I thought it was an odd placement
krizzle says:when i was in dublin all of catherine's friends used the word deadly where i would say awesome
krizzle says:i was totally getting a buzz off it
Annalise says:okay you start the trend over there and I'll start it on this continent
Annalise says:that's awesome
Annalise says:er, I mean DEADLY
krizzle says:haha
krizzle says:nice
Annalise says:I bet it's funny
krizzle says:maybe you should try it out
Annalise says:I think I'm gonna
krizzle says:deadly
krizzle says:do it
krizzle says:this is a good blog topic
Annalise says:haha, yes it is, do it
Annalise says:I need to blog
krizzle says:me too
krizzle says:i am not deadly at blogging
krizzle says:haha
krizzle says:does not get old
That was deadly conversation. We need to have more of those.
I say lots of cool things now. But when I try to remember them I can't. But they're all deadly.
yeah, i'm gonna use that the next time I'm working the ICU.
Nurse: How's Mrs. Krabappel in room 203?
me: deadly. totally deadly.
I think it flows off the tongue nicely, don't you?
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