Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My bookbinding teacher has lots of fantastic sayings, one of them being "how long is a piece of string". I've been having a string of bad luck....I'm hoping my piece is coming to an end. Last week I was driving to the Amon Carter and my car stopped running on the highway. Thankfully a highway worker guy was right there and used his truck to push my car to the next exit. Almost $2000 later it runs again.

Then on Saturday morning I woke up with a bunch of goop in my left eye.....pink eye. So I got ready for work and headed to a nearby clinic where they charged me $250 to tell me what I already knew. So far this is all that's happened.....hopefully the string is coming to an end.


Annalise said...

$2000?? You've got to be kidding. Fuck! I think the situation deserves that strong a word. So sorry, Kristi. I hate stupid car stuff. I hope your string of bad luck ends soon too!

jenny said...

That SUCKS. Pink Eye SUCKS. I went to the doctor a few days ago too and the guy in front of me had pink eye. I was like "Can you please quit touching everything buddy?" I bet he gave it to you.

Paper dragon books said...

the string ....
twice as long as a half is the answer
best g