Sunday, February 11, 2007

Seaweed and Splatter Paint

Well this weekend several of us bookies participated in a marbling short course. Sonia and I were marbling partners so needless to say we had a grand time. Basically the way it works is you flick paint on a surface of seaweed goop, swirl it around and make a pattern and then place a piece of paper on the surface and the paints print on the paper. A pretty mind boggling thing really when you consider you're using seaweed scum what is essentially spatter paint. This is a picture of me with my first try at a pattern called "flame". As you can see I was pretty excited about this one, so excited in fact that I made Sonia go and get my camera and take a picture of me. We spent the next 5 hours trying all different patterns and exclaiming the same thing after each one was pulled from the bath, "that one is my new favorite!". All in all a pretty kick-a weekend.


Annalise said...

Fun! That looks amazing. And you look so pretty!

Jackie said...

how beautiful! that is now on my list of things to learn

Clay and Katy said...

that sounds like lots of fun!!! love it! love the hair! love everything!

Unknown said...

you look hot! and sweet paper! i once ate sea weed...not on a dare...because i was hungry...and actually in england...chinese food there is crazy good! the hair

jenny said...

How fun! I am so jealous of your life. You do look hot. WAy to be.

jenny said...

Ps Your hair is seven times as long as mine. Mine's at my chin these days, and I can't pull it back. Not even to a nub.