Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bobble Head

A very exciting purchase was made this weekend. There have been a few cold days here in jolly old England the past couple weeks and my head and ears have been feeling the burn. SO, I decided to make it my goal to find a new winter hat and was lucky enough to find this little baby in the streets of Brighton this weekend.

The really amazing thing about this hat is that I tried it on one year ago in the same shop with Jackie and took a picture of us in the mirror to document the event. Well, less than a year later I was back there trying to make a serious decision about which color scheme looked best and was in need of being purchased. So after many many trials I ended up with the dark pinkie red one with the big blue bobble. Of course it's not nearly cold enough to wear it now, but soon enough I'm sure I will be bobbling around West Dean in my new cozy hat.


Annalise said...

So cute! I need to get me one of them hats.

Clay and Katy said...

oh very very nice...love it!!

jenny said...


That thing RULES. It's so cute! Just like you.