Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Catherine was talking about how amazing it is that we walk into the dining room and food is magically there, and it's true. Sometimes what you need is a little perspective. I live not in, but very near a castle. Someone cleans my room and brings me new clean sheets and towels weekly. Everyday I am given three cooked meals plus tea and biscuits. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is an amazing point in my life and sometimes I worry I'll never be able to top it. I mean the words "the castle is closing" are actually in my vocabulary, and when I say them it doesn't sound weird. It makes me worry that I'm going to max out at the age of 25 and end up living in Dallas commuting to work for an hour for the rest of my life.


Annalise said...

You do live a charmed life. I'm quite jealous. Hopefully you haven't forgotten how to cook your own food and do laundry! Or maybe you could just hire a maid once you're making the big time conservator bucks.

Clay and Katy said...

lucky you! although i have to say that sometimes i do enjoy cleaning/organizing...what is wrong with me??